Ter Hoek
Ter Hoek

masterclass "PECM - New possibilities for extreme precision"

The search for the right engineering solution is becoming increasingly difficult due to ever-higher demands on maximum allowable tolerances. Innovations such as PECM have opened up many new possibilities to provide even better, smaller, and more advanced solutions. Twan Altena is application engineer PECM at Ter Hoek. In this online masterclass he will explain about PECM versus other techniques, the PECM process, technical specifications, what types of metal can be processed with PECM, the surface quality, and cleanliness. He also shares valuable ins and outs around cases. How did he face problems and think of the solution needed? Why is tooling so important? Click on the link below:


masterclass die sinking

The search for the right engineering solution is becoming increasingly difficult due to ever-higher demands on maximum allowable tolerances. Techniques such as die sinking can provide even better advanced solutions. Koen Wolbers is an application engineer PECM at Ter Hoek. In this online masterclass he will explain about the technical specifications of die sinking, why flushing is a crucial aspect of die sinking, the roughing versus finishing steps, die sinking electrodes, the so-called 'white layer' and when to use die sinking. He also shares product examples including challenges of the given product and tooling needed for production. Click on the link below:


masterclass "Solving Precision problems using EDM and Pecm technologies"

Want to learn more about the different techniques? Then follow our Masterclass “Solving Precision problems using EDM and PECM technologies”. By the end of this 2-hour online master class, you will know more about the unique capabilities and be able to use specific features to improve your designs. Besides theory on Wire EDM, Die Sinking, Micro EDM Milling and PECM, we also discuss the various application areas, when to use which technique, product examples and case studies. Of course, the topic of cleanliness will also be discussed. During the masterclass, you can chat live with our experts.

For this masterclass we use the Livestorm tool. For more information and registration go to:


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